
Fits perfectly
We build your ambition.
State of the art
Incorporation of state-of-the-art technology.
Fast in operation
Basic version within a few weeks.
Grows along
Scales along with your future ambitions.

PS: Community Wiki

As one of the leading companies in business software platforms, PS provides cloud based solutions and automation processes for top clients of the highest level. Knowledge management at this scope can quickly become disorganized and chaotic, which is where MediaWiki steps in to aid.

PS was in need of a wiki based, community managed knowledge platform which could provide client employees with easy access to shared experiences of their platform. They presented Wikibase with the challenge to build their platform with little external site dependencies like styling suites and form based services. Wikibase rose to the challenge and delivered a unique knowledge platform as requested.

The PS Community Wiki comes equipped with features like:

  • Okta user integration
  • Well defined curation workflows
  • Wikipedia based portal functionalities
  • Dedicated security measurements through custom policies
  • Easy content editing through Visual Editor enhancements like predefined template forms
  • A state of the art facet search engine with custom facets and result formats
  • ...all running seamlessly on AWS with a dedicated easy-to-use pipeline workflow

Through rigorous teamwork and communication, the PS development team and Wikibase produced a flexible yet secure knowledge hub that is seeing large amounts of traffic with ease, and more functionalies are well on their way!


Get ISO 27001 certified

The ISO 27001 certificate helps us and our customers reduce information security risks and prevent incidents. In this way we protect the reputation of our company. With the ISO 27001 certificate we comply with laws and regulations regarding information security. It is the way to demonstrate that we have a good management system for information security. We have consciously opted for the updated version ISO 27001:2022, which replaces the old ISO 27001:2013 standard. The ISMS (Information Security Management System) that we use for information security was built by ourselves and is also available for other organizations.

BSI ISO27001
Want to know more?

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