
The Wikibase products

Only customized solutions based on out-of-the-box software can make functionality excel.

Whether you want to optimally support your processes, or you want to freely share knowledge with others. Wikibase guarantees a reliable, flexible and fast solution. As soon as the activities in your organization require adjustments to the system, Wikibase steps in to perform. Wikibase Solutions is ready to take on your development challenges.

Solution Open CSP Wikibase MediaWiki
Our products, together with our services, ensure a turn-key approach.

A selection of our products:

Wikibase Knowledge Base

Wikibase Knowledge Base

MediaWiki-powered Enterprise level knowledge management.

Customer success


Wikibase ESG

Environmental, social, and corporate governance

The flexibel platform to control impact by and to your organization and to be prepared for CSRD reporting


Wikibase ISMS

Information Security Management System

MediaWiki-powered ISMS that supports your organization's focus on information security

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